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· One min read

ChainChum NFT Platform is been in production for almost 6 months and we recently hit a snag where our NFT storage had an outage. This has been a face-palm moment for our young startup where we were thinking what will an NFT Marketplace platform do without storing all the wonderful arts. 😥

Now we are proud to use Microsoft Azure Storage Account as our Scalable & Resilient storage solution 😎

Please do share your feedback/concerns/ideas to us and all of our contact information can be found here

ChainChum Loves Microsoft Azure

To Learn more about Azure -

To Learn more about Storage Account -

· 2 min read

ChainChum NFT Platform are powered by the Ethereum Smart Contracts hosted in Polygon Blockchain.

We as Parents are in general very appreciative of our kids creative skills and nurture their creative skills since their early development stage as toddlers. But we were torn 😿 when we had to throw away (due to lack of space) all their wonderful creations during our Spring Cleaning. We thought about taking picture and storing them in our phones, but even though we have the actual picture we really could not recollect minor details our kids have shared when they drew it.

This prompted a huge debate among our friends and family and then hits the idea 💡 to build an app at first to track these wonderful arts that we would not want to get lost. Then we realized these creations can one day become big and hence we wanted to use the Blockchain Technology to decentralize the Art and convert them as NFT.

We are very happy to announce our launch of ChainChum NFT Platform which helps artists to convert their creations as NFT to be able to create a following all over the world.

We sincerely appreciate your support 🙏, Please do share your feedback/concerns/ideas to us and all of our contact information can be found here

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